
Multiple regression analysis in excel for mac
Multiple regression analysis in excel for mac

multiple regression analysis in excel for mac

These tools greatly simplify the process of exploring multivariate data, fitting and refining and comparing regression models, sharing and evaluating work performed by others, and leaving a comprehensive and easily navigated audit trail. The output format and navigation tools are designed to take advantage of all 4 dimensions of the Excel environment-stacks of worksheets, rows and columns of cells, and layers of information within cells-while avoiding the tedium of scrolling and paging and searching with Excel's own controls.

multiple regression analysis in excel for mac

The videos page on this site includes several videos that provide demonstrations of them in action.

multiple regression analysis in excel for mac

#Multiple regression analysis in excel for mac manual

The accompanying RegressIt slide show and user manual and the following pages on this site describe the use of these features. Teaching notes can be included in the output in the form of cell comments.Įxcel files containing analysis are easily browsed on a cell phone. Its menus are easy to navigate with only a mouse or a touchscreen. The tables and charts are presentation-ready and look good in slides and reports. Students can perform the same analysis in real time on their own laptop or tablet computers. Its output worksheets are designed for efficient viewing and navigation, making it easy for instructors to walk through sequences of models. The linear regression version of the program runs on both Macs and PC's, and there is also a separate logistic regression version for the PC with highly interactive table and chart output. RegressIt is a powerful Excel add-in which performs multivariate descriptive data analysis and regression analysis with high-quality table and chart output in native Excel format. Tomiyama 6x17 art panorama cameraįacebook LinkedIn.

Multiple regression analysis in excel for mac